Tzofia Raz

Midwife at Saban Midwifery Center at Soroka University Medical Center

On Saturday, 7.10.23, she treated wounded people in the field and at the clinic in the town of Nave in the Eshkol Council.

Tzofia recalls:
"We woke up to a morning of shelling of the Gaza Envelope.
We were slowly receiving news and realizing that this was like nothing we had ever experienced before.

They called me to come to the medical command room and on the way, I realize that this was far more than some wounded individuals.
I had exactly five minutes to break down from the site of my brother Michael, who was seriously injured but conscious. I quickly regrouped because there was no time to lose.

I accompanied my brother in the ambulance to the helipad to tell him a final goodbye, see him barely breathing and in agony.
With tears in my eyes, I returned to the command room, where news of a mother in childbirth was received – finally something in my field, something that would at least bring new life".