Lieutenant Colonel Aziz Ibrahim

Chief Medical Officer of the Gaza Division

Has been managing the medical effort in the Western Negev since the start of fighting.

"I have been in the field my entire life, and have treated many wounded who suffered various injuries – from war, suicide, accidents, natural disasters. No one could prepare for what happened on October 7".

Lieutenant Colonel Aziz Ibrahim, an ICU nurse and paramedic with extensive experience in a range of operational positions in the IDF. Until recently, he was in charge of maintaining resiliency in combat and in end scenarios of the medical corps. Since fighting began, Ibrahim has been managing the medical campaign in the burning front from the Urim Base.

In an article published on The Marker (6.11.2023), Aziz recalls: "The shooting started the minute we got out of the vehicle. A group of terrorists were roaming around only meters from us, on the other side of the fence, where the division's lookout base was located. They shot and killed soldiers. We were five lieutenant colonels at this point. Without flak jackets or protection, only weapons. We fought with everything we had".

Read the full article on The Marker website