The enrollment in post-basic licensure examinations is done through the Healthcare Professionals Portal.
At the end of each course, the educational institution submits the list of the program graduates who are eligible to take the examination. The list is submitted to the Nursing Division in a concentrated action, in order to allow graduates to enroll in the licensure examination.
Having reviewed and confirmed the details, the Ministry of Health sends you login details to the Portal, where you could enroll in the examination in the following manner:
The login information that will be sent to you include:
Upon initial login, you will not to change your temporary password with your permanent personal password.
Your user name and password will be used for any future login to the Portal
You must fill in the declaration forms below, according to the guidelines in the portal:
Completion of these declaration forms constitutes a pre-condition for enrollment to the examination.
For your information, the Nursing Division contacts Israel Police to receive a criminal record report.
You must pay the licensure examination fee and licensing fee.
Payments are to be made through the Postal Bank or by money transfer to the Ministry of Health's bank account:
Postal Bank, Branch 001 Jerusalem, Account Number 0-025961
The amount for payment is specified in the portal.
After making a payment, you need to scan or photocopy the reference (the proof of payment) and to keep it in your records for the remainder of your enrollment process on the portal.
You must complete the enrollment to the examination on the Portal up to one month before the examination date. After that the Portal will be closed for enrollment. The enrollment actions include:
To the actual examination, you need to arrive with your licensure examination notice.
Two weeks before the examination date you will have the option to issue a licensure examination notice.
This notice contains information about the examination: place, date and time, examinee number, examination hall's name, and extra testing time eligibility, if any. You need to print the licensure examination notice and to bring it to the examination with you.