Liraz Erdening and Hilla Barvitz

Midwives at Assuta Ashdod Hospital

On that bloody day, Liraz and Hilla created calm in the delivery room.

Saturday, morning shift, midwives Liraz Erdening and Hilla Barviz arrive from the heart of the Gaza Envelope for the morning shift at Assuta Ashdod Hospital, still never imagining that they are survivors of a bloody day following the endless murdering spree.

At the start of the shift, news of the terrorist attack begin arriving. Liraz and Hilla work together while their families are in the eye of the storm and news on wounded, murdered or fleeing relatives begin arriving.

With the sound of the never-ending sirens in the background, Liraz and Hilla calm the mothers down, assisting in the delivery of the newborns while maintaining a secure birth experience and creating an atmosphere of calm until the late-night hours.

Finally, exhausted, they unite with their rescued families.