Dina Cohen

Nurse in the kibbutz of Re’im for 28 Years

Ran under fire to treat wounded people during the terrorist attack on Saturday 7.10.23.

Dina Cohen is a nurse in the kibbutz of Re’im. On the morning of October 7th, Dina was called to the kibbutz clinic. When she arrived, she could not recognize her workplace.

The clinic was drenched in blood and glass shards. She found eight wounded soldiers in the clinic, with members of the rapid response team at Re’im.
The clinic became a trauma room and due to the complexity of the injuries, Dina realized that the wounded must be urgently evacuated to a hospital. A military helicopter was called to evacuate, and with the soldiers, she carried wounded people to the evacuation vehicle, under fire, with fierce fighting taking place.

Listen to the story of heroism
Dina’s story – a video that was made in cooperation with Clalit Health Services and the New Histadrut