Ilana Yaffe

Registered nurse from Baltimore, USA

My dream is to work in the emergency room and eventually to be sent on medical missions, to represent Israel and help others in need.

  • Name
    Ilana Yaffe
  • Education
    Registered Nurse
  • Specialty

37 years old, from Baltimore, USA, I graduated as a registered nurse in 2012.

Evaluation of credentials of internationally educated nurses

I immigrated to Israel in 2020. At first, I focused on settling in Israel and getting used to my new life, so the process took shape after a year and therefore only in November 2021 did I submit all the necessary documents. Throughout the process I had to carry out an individual plan to complete theoretical and clinical hours in accordance with the mandatory core program in Israel.

In August 2022 I completed the completion program and in September 2022 I tool the licensure exam which I passed successfully. I haven't started working as a nurse yet, but I plan to, soon!

Most helpful in the process

Milla Guilltin from the Certification Department for overseas graduates in the Nursing Division helped me a lot throughout the process. Emails were answered quickly and I always felt the I could reach out. As soon as I started the individual program, I also received a mentor. Ms. Meira Har Chen from the nursing school in Sheba - Tel Hashomer, who was also very helpful throughout the entire process.

Best advice I have for internationally educated nurses

The best advice I can give is to always ask questions, contact the Nursing Division if you are not sure about something and always look on the bright side! It took a lot of work to complete the individual plan , but it also provided me with insight and was a great review and refresher for the exam.

My professional aspiration

After graduation, I worked at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in the surgery-oncology and outpatients oncology wards, in addition I previously volunteered on two medical missions (Haiti and Honduras) so my dream would be to work in the emergency room and eventually be sent on medical missions, to represent Israel and help others in need.