Enrollment to the Nurse Practitioner Licensure Examination
Information for nurses who have completed their nurse practitioner studies
Information for nurses who have completed their nurse practitioner studies
The nursing school where you studied needs to send to the Nursing Division official transcripts and proof of passing the courses. You will receive information on how to submit the enrollment forms and what fees you need to pay (to be made to the secretariat) once the transcripts are verified by the Professional Development Department.
You will get payment instructions as part of the enrollment process. You must pay a licensure examination and licensing fee. Payments are to be made through the Postal Bank or by money transfer to the Ministry of Health's bank account:
Postal Bank, Branch 001 Jerusalem, Account Number 0-025961
Following payment, you must scan or photocopy the reference (proof of payment) and email it to the Professional Development Department at siud-pituah@moh.gov.il along with the questionnaire you must complete.
The Department for Licensure Examinations will enroll you once it receives your proof of payment and the questionnaire.
A licensure examination notice will be emailed to you.
You must print the licensure examination notice and bring it to the exam.
The licensure examination notice includes:
It is your responsibility to keep the Nursing Administration informed with changes to your contact information. You can do this by emailing the Professional Development Department at siud.registration@moh.health.gov.il
The Nursing Administration will allow extra testing time of up to 25% for exams that are multiple-choice questions or written knowledge tests within the guidelines outlined below.
Eligibilities for extra testing time:
• New immigrants living in Israel for less than five years will be automatically eligible for extra testing time without having to file a request.
• Candidates who have been diagnosed with learning disabilities may submit a request in compliance with the requisites specified in Medical Administration Circular 15/2021 (HE).
Up to one month prior to the exam and as part of the enrollment process, you must send an email to the Licensure Examination Department at siud.test@moh.gov.il requesting extra testing time.
The Licensure Examination Department's approval is required. It is not automatically granted.
The licensure examination notice will specify the extra testing time, if granted.
Examinees who meet the requirements for a retest (a passing score is 70) may send an email to the Licensure Examination Department to inquire whether they are eligible to retake the examination, the retest date, and enrollment procedure.