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163 results were found for Special nursing operations
Critical Care Certificate
This course is a part of an adult cooperative acute module. It deals with signs and symptoms assessment in critical and complex conditions, and is intended to provide skills of treatment and guidance.
Emergency Room Certificate
The emergency room advanced course is part of a common adult acute module, intended to provide nurses with tools for assessment of signs and symptoms in critical and complex conditions.
Nephrology Certificate
The advanced course in nephrology is part of a common acute chronic module inclduing advanced nephrology and pathophysiology of the urinary system.
Neonatal Intensive Care Certificate
The advanced course in neonatal intensive care is a part of a cooperative acute chronic pediatric module, intended for those studying pediatric/neonatal/newborn intensive care.
Ella Lizeachin
The game Ella had played in her childhood became a varied, fascinating and professional career.
Gastroenterology Certificate
An advanced course in Gastroenterology is a part of a cooperative acute chronic module, which deals with treatment of chronic and acute diseases of the digestive system in adults and children.
Infection Prevention Certificate
The course will provide knowledge and tools in infection prevention: exposure to epidemiological coverage and monitoring, epidemiological investigations, locating patients at risk of infection.
Diabetes Certificate
The advanced course in diabetes is part of a common chronic module and focuses on epidemiology, pathophysiology, and the administrative and economic aspects of diabetes in children and adults.
Infection Prevention, Health Promotion, and Lactation Consultancy
This advanced course is designed to provide nurses with knowledge of public health: monitoring and prevention of morbidity and health promotion in the community
Mental Health Care Certificate
The advanced course in mental health care teaches about patients dealing with mental disorders in hospitalization, in community and as part of day care, and gives tools and knowledge on the subject.