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165 results were found for Professional development
Request Extra Testing Time
The Nursing Division accommodates authorized candidates with no more than 25% extra testing time. What are the eligibility criteria, and how to request extra testing time?
State Licensure Examination Payments
You need to pay the licensure examination fee and the licensing fee
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have any questions regarding nursing school, the State Nursing Board Licensure Examination and life after graduation? The answers are here.
Enrollment to the State Licensure Examination
How to enroll to a state licensure examination, what forms you need to fill out, and how to get a licensure examination notice.
Frequently Asked Questions about the State Licensure Examinations
Here are some frequently asked questions about the state licensure examinations.
Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurse Practitioner
Wound, ostomy, and continence nurse practitioners manage the treatment of various wounds or stoma and urinary and fecal continence. What does the curriculum include and how to apply?
Fee for the Selection Examination
Fee for enrollmt in the selection examination for admission to the advanced courses and in the post-basic licensure examinations
Hebrew Language Proficiency
Internationally educated nurse and want the examination in your language? Knowledge of Hebrew is a prerequisite of being listed on the "Nursing Licensure Registry" and getting a temporary license.
Higher Education Institutions for Bachelor's Degree in Nursing
Registered nurse studies in Israel are conducted in academic institutions and in nursing schools for academic nurses, whose curriculum has been approved by the National Chief Nurse in Israel.