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164 results were found for Professional development
Nursing Schools and Studies
Not sure what nursing program to take? Find it difficult to find an accredited school? Read here about nursing programs on your path of becoming a registered nurse in Israel.
FAQ for Integrating Immigrant and Internationally Educated Nurses
If you are an integrating immigrant or an internationally educated nurse and you have some questions about working in Israel, the answers are below.
Knowledge Supplementation for Internationally Educated Nurses
The transition-to-practice program for registered nurses in Israel, is customized to familiar immigrants and internationally educated nurses with Israeli practice
Laws and Regulations for Credential Evaluation
The regulations, ordinances, laws, and circulars needed to answer the software tutorial and license exam questions
Apply to Evaluate Credentials and Licenses of Practical Nurses Educated and Licensed Outside of Israel
Have you worked as a practical nurse outside of Israel, and do you want to continue working as a practical nurse in Israel? Find below information on how to apply for credential evaluation
Licensure Examination for Internationally Educated Nurses - Practical Nurses
Are you an internationally educated nurse and you want to work Israel? Would you like to secure a data for the state licensure examination? This is how to do so.
Interim or Permanent License for Internationally Educated Nurses
Have you graduated nursing studies outside of Israel and wish to practice nursing in Israel? After passing the Israeli examination, you will have to get a license to be allowed to practice nursing.
Accelerated BSN Nursing Program
Do you have an academic degree and have been looking for a change? Have you always been looking for a significant and fulfilling profession? We invite you to read this.
Fees for Integrating Immigrant and Internationally Educated Nurses
Information for immigrant nurses and international graduates
Request Extra Testing Time
The Nursing Division accommodates authorized candidates with no more than 25% extra testing time. What are the eligibility criteria, and how to request extra testing time?