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163 results were found for Special nursing operations
Information About the Licensure Examination Day
Nurses, are you about to take a post-basic licensure examination? Below is some information about the exam content, general guidelines, information about registration, examination scores and more.
About the Nursing Division
Department of Information and Data Systems
This Department develops, introduces and implements digital transformations that are crucial for service quality and nurses' professionalism, and based on data as well as work insights.
Selection Examination for Candidates of Advanced Nursing Courses
Are you interested in applying to an advanced nursing course? You may have to take a selection examination. What is a selection examination? Who is eligible to apply and how is the enrollment done?
Apply for a Verification of Nursing Education or Israeli Nursing License
The form is for licensed nurses in Israel or those pursuing courses abroad
Advanced Nursing Courses
Post basic education allows nurses to advance professionally, make clinical decisions, solve problems, promote health and provide professional, and safer care in hospitalization and in the community.
Registered Nurses Credential Evaluation – Internationally Educated Nurses
Have you ever worked as a registered nurse abroad and want to work in Israel? Here is the information on the process of professional recognition of your status.
An International Campaign for Empowering Nurses
The Israeli nursing board is taking part in ICN's (International Council of Nurses) campaign to promote nursing.
Leah Tzivzibdze, Professional Academic Officer (PAO)
In the internal medicine ward, a new world of content was opened before me, one that is only familiar to those working behind the doors of the ward.
State Nursing Board Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses - December 2025
State nursing board licensure examination for practical nurses - 29.12.25
Accelerated BSN Nursing Program
Do you have an academic degree and have been looking for a change? Have you always been looking for a significant and fulfilling profession? We invite you to read this.