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75 results were found for Payments

  • Studying

    Primary Care Nurse Practitioner

    Primary care nurse practitioners provide medical care to patients in community clinics. What does the curriculum include and how to apply?

  • Studying

    Oncology Certificate

    This course is a part of a cooperative acute chronic module, which deals with oncological and haemato-oncological diseases. The course provides tools for treating patients and families.

  • Working

    Gila Peled

    Gila, a community nurse from the southern district of Clalit Health Services.

  • Working

    Esty Reich

    Left home to treat the many wounded people in the hospital.

  • Working

    Alex Shamis

    Alex saved many wounded people in the Gaza envelope.

  • Studying

    Ella Lizeachin

    The game Ella had played in her childhood became a varied, fascinating and professional career.

  • Working

    Shoshi Diamant

    Helped treat many of the wounded who arrived in Tze’elim.

  • Studying

    Captain Yara Binyamin

    Captain Yara Binyamin feels that the decision to join the "Pisga" IDF Reserve Route is the best decision of her life. Her service is full of satisfying and giving meaning.

  • Studying

    Yulia Dychev

    As a young nurse in St. Petersburg, I accidentally arrived at a clinic, which treated diabetes, among other things. When I immigrated to Israel, I already knew in which field I wanted to specialize.

  • Working

    Marina Almagor

    Retired nurse.