Infection Prevention, Health Promotion, and Lactation Consultancy Post Basic Licensure Examination | 27-28.04.2025

Infection prevention, health promotion, and lactation consultancy post basic licensure examination - 27-28.4.25 (2 testing days)

Infection prevention, health promotion, and lactation consultancy post basic licensure rxamination

  • Event date: 27-28.04.2025
  • Hours: A notice will be posted on the portal with the date and time of the examination about two weeks before examination day.
  • Location: MSR, Israel Center for Medical Simulation, Tel Hashomer
  • Target population: Registered nurses who completed the advanced infection prevention, health promotion, and lactation consultancy certificate program and were endorsed by the Nursing Division to take the infection prevention, health promotion, and lactation consultancy post basic licensure examination

About two weeks before the examination, you will receive a text message stating you can view the invitation to the examination on the portal. Log into the Healthcare Professionals Portal (Hebrew) to view the invitation, including the date, location and time. Print the invitation and bring it with you on the examination day.